Digital Media Criteria Checklist


  • Is the information directly related to the content of the expected OER?

  • Are there major content errors or omissions?

  • Are there spelling errors or typos?


  • Does the information directly address one or more of the class objectives?

  • Does the content directly connect with issues related to the life experiences of the people in the class?

Design Principles

  • Is there alignment in the design?

  • Are similar items grouped together? (Proximity)

  • How does the principle of repetition help the message?

  • How effective is the contrast principle?

  • Is the principle of balance used effectively?

Production Quality

  • Is the information clear and understandable?

  • Is the layout and interface easy to navigate?

  • Do the design features address different learning styles?

  • For audio-visual resources, are the sound and video of high quality?


  • Is the resource available in alternative formats (e.g. .docs, videos,)?

  • For audio or video resources, is there a transcript or subtitles?

  • Is the resource 508 compliant?


  • Does the resource encourage individual and/or group learning activities?

  • Are there opportunities for students to test their understanding of the material?


  • Does the license allow for educational reuse of the materials?

  • Does the license allow modifications or adaptations of the materials?

Audience Appropriateness

  • Is the source appropriate for target audience's age and interests?

Source Credibility

  • Is the source credible?


BCOER Librarian. Faculty Guide for Evaluating Open Education Resources.